Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Plug in the guitar, stand up and mash the keys, or just turn the radio on. Whatever it is, music dominates mine and i'd assume most people's life. Music just sets the mood, whether its thinking, crying, sleeping, or well we won't go there. What kind of music do you guys listen to the most and what feelings do you associate with music?

Before, I talked about how certain songs would remind me of my father. Chicago is a group that always brings memories of my father up. Lately, I've been listening to the new Coldplay CD X&Y and of course DMB's Stand Up.

It's funny cause when I'm back home at school my roommates never play music and I'm always the one with it constantly on. Maybe it's my background noise similar to the people that leave the T.V. on 24/7. I can't be the only one that listens to music constantly. When I'm at work and the annoying intern isn't playing her music, I'm at least humming to myself.

Anyways, just some thoughts....Next time I dive into the sticky story of the most annoying person I think i've ever tolerated.