Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ahh the life as a college graduate and God Father!

Well, I finally graduated and I guess this should be exciting. I mean look at that face....looks excited to me.

It was a wonderful day for sure and an overall good weekend. I definitely love spending time with my family and having them all come together for whatever reason.

Though, I have to tell you. Seeing that diploma was the moment of truth when I really felt like an adult.

Moving on from graduation, I got to spend a good chunk of time with my siblings and baby niece.

I tell you, I never knew how much family meant to me until I saw that baby. Madelyn Anne Luck "Maddy" is one of the most precious things I have seen in my life. Even though she is only my niece, I still feel like she is the beginning of the next stage of my family.

My Sister told me that her husband and her had decided to ask me to be Maddy's God Father. This was a very emotional moment for me because of how much I look forward to being a parent.

I already am spoiling her and decided to buy her two little polo dresses at http://www.polo.com.

Well now its time to put a face with a name...She's adorable!

ok that's the "bad to the bone" look!

The Luck Family

Me and Maddy @ Graduation

I'm very envious of this picture.

Great Grandma Mamaw and the Grand pops.

Though, there was a lot of drama going on and family issues, overall I really enjoyed the weekend. I believe no matter how messed up your family is. You are stuck with them and they know you better than anyone else can. They can cause you the most joy and the most stress but in the end they are the most important people in my life.

And I mean how can you say "no" to this adorable girl? She is my precious God daughter.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Writing an ebook!

My life has changed since last summer as new experiences occur and I continue to watch and learn people.

I've been reading a whole lot of information on writing ebooks online and finally have started writing. I've wanted to help people all my life and I believe this is the way to help as many people as possible with one of the greatest problems of humanity.

Self confidence is something everyone either has struggled or continues to struggle with. It affects everyone whether at their job, with their familys, or in a relationship. Having self confidence leads to healthy relationships, a new promotion, and fulfilling your dreams.

There is a simple way for everyone to gain self confidence and begin on the path to success. This advice and more will be contained in my ebook.

I will contine to write and let you guys know where I am on the project and eventually where you can go to read part of it.

Please feel free to comment as I will be checking back to respond.